How Long Can Leftover Cooked Chapatis Last? Enjoy Them with Any Curry or Dish!

Chapatis, also known as rotis, are a staple food in many South Asian households. These flatbreads are typically made from whole wheat flour and water, and are cooked on a tawa (flat griddle) until they puff up. They are often served with a variety of curries, lentils, and other dishes. But what happens when you have leftover chapatis? How long can they last before they spoil? And can you still enjoy them with any curry or dish later on? Let’s find out.

How Long Can Leftover Cooked Chapatis Last?

Leftover cooked chapatis can last for about 24-48 hours at room temperature. However, this can vary depending on the conditions in which they are stored. If you live in a hot and humid climate, they may not last as long. It’s always best to store leftover chapatis in a cool and dry place, preferably in an airtight container or a ziplock bag to prevent them from drying out.

Can You Refrigerate Leftover Chapatis?

Yes, you can refrigerate leftover chapatis to extend their shelf life. When stored in the refrigerator, they can last for up to a week. However, it’s important to note that refrigerated chapatis may lose some of their softness and become a bit hard. To restore their softness, you can reheat them on a tawa or in a microwave before serving.

Can You Freeze Leftover Chapatis?

If you want to store leftover chapatis for a longer period, you can freeze them. When properly stored in a freezer-safe bag or container, frozen chapatis can last for up to 2-3 months. To thaw frozen chapatis, you can leave them in the refrigerator overnight or reheat them directly on a tawa or in a microwave.

Can You Still Enjoy Leftover Chapatis with Any Curry or Dish?

Absolutely! Leftover chapatis can be enjoyed with any curry or dish, just like fresh chapatis. In fact, some people even prefer the taste of reheated chapatis. They can also be used to make wraps, sandwiches, or other creative dishes. So don’t let your leftover chapatis go to waste – there are plenty of delicious ways to use them up!


In conclusion, leftover cooked chapatis can last for a couple of days at room temperature, a week in the refrigerator, or a few months in the freezer. They can be enjoyed with any curry or dish, and can also be used to make a variety of other dishes. So next time you have leftover chapatis, don’t throw them away – store them properly and enjoy them later!